


日本国民は、正義と秩序を基調とする際平和を誠実に希求し、権の発動たる戦争と、武力による威嚇又は武力の行使は、紛争解決する手段としては、永久にこれを放棄するAspiring sincerely to an international peace based on justice and order, the Japanese people forever renounce war as a sovereign right of the nation and the threat or use of force as means of settling international disputes.


Japan abandons use of armed force for "means to solve an international dispute".


However, the constitution does not prohibit a suppression act by the military power for the existence that is not accepted nationally.


There is existence in defiance of a cross-national treaty. There is existence to dangle military power. There is the existence that is going to extort property.
I think that the use of armed force for the existence becomes the place that law and the nation detect.